About Us
Haznos Valer was founded in 2019 as an effort to connect many different organizations and individuals in community for vulnerable migrants. The so-called Migrant Protection Protocols required migrants to wait for months or years in Mexico to apply for asylum, often while living in ramshackle tents in dangerous cities.
Our city of Ciudad Juárez had migrants camped out in filthy conditions on bridges, while human traffickers and others preyed on these vulnerable populations. Haznos Valer went into the streets to serve migrants, providing food, cleaning gunshot and torture wounds, taking pregnant women to the hospital, and creating community enrichment. We took night watches when the temperatures dropped to ensure that children didn't get frostbite.
Although these camps have been dismantled with the end of the Migrant Protection Protocols, a great need still remains in Ciudad Juárez. We partnered with San Juan Apóstol Shelter to care for women and children waiting for asylum. We take in vulnerable asylum-seekers who have been rejected under Title 42. We strive to create community and affirm dignity even in horrible circumstances.

Our founder, Karina, saw a need in Ciudad Juárez for greater cooperation and understanding. Aid and compassion shouldn't be defined by one group, creed, or organization- everyone can work together and make a contribution. She served as director for San Juan Apóstol for years, facilitating a decent and humane life for innocent people who would otherwise have nothing.
Haznos Valer aims to build a culture of life and encounter, affirming the dignity of migrants during the asylum process. We believe in integration and sharing between refugees, volunteers, and border cities with a recognition and respect for individual cultures.
Music, art, literature, and faith are all elements to create a space for dialogue, integration, service, and resilience in our community.
We promote a consistent life ethic that says "You Are Valuable." We affirm the dignity of persons at every stage of the border. In the words of Oscar Romero, "We don’t want to be 'anti,' against anybody. We simply want to be a builder of a great affirmation."
Haznos Valer
Supporting women and children at the border to create a culture of life and encounter.
Email: karina@haznosvaler.com
In the process of getting 501(c)(3) status
Tax-deductible donations currently go through New Wave Feminists (BRIDGE 5643738963)